Sunday, April 25, 2010


This was a good weekend! Not to sound too surprised, but at 10 a.m. on Friday morning I was rather worried about how it would turn out. But, as you may have read, my sister came, the food was great and everyone had fun. Now I have 6 days to get ready for the baby dedication and more and more people keep getting invited :) Tonight Matt and I went to get our anniversary present - a frame for our painting! Unfortunately, it won't be done in time for our baby dedication, but that's okay - we've got about 7 pictures sitting in our office just waiting for wall space. I have a painting of a couple in Venice going to a Masquerade that will look perfect in that wall space. When Matt and I were in the gallery picking out our frame we saw some art by a guy named Len Krenzler. His paintings feature WWII planes in battle with amazing detail and beautiful colors. Matt and I had decided a while ago that when we have a game room (some day) we'll buy a piece of his art and hang it in there. Well, the lady who was helping us said that each painting is actually based on a real life situation. The artist interviews pilots and paints the battle scene with the real numbers and artwork from their planes, then he gets the pilots to sign the art. Now we really want one! What a cool concept! There's one of a plane going right under the Eiffel Tower - the footnote on it says "Signed by Bill Overstreet - 357th Fighter Group - Spring of 1944" We totally thought that a scene like that would never have happened, but apparently it did and Bill Overstreet was there in the Spring of 1944. Here's a link to check out some of his work:
Speaking of painting, I painted all of our doors upstairs tonight. All of the wood in our house was a beautiful walnut color but as nice as it looks, we need it to be white now. So we've been painting doors and baseboards for a while and we just had those doors upstairs left to do. So now that they are done the whole house looks updated! Just don't open our office door :)
Tomorrow is our anniversary and we're still going to Auxano. We are, however, dropping Gabe off with Matt's parents earlier and going to grab a quick dinner before it starts. Then I have a bottle of our favorite wine that we'll crack into after Gabe goes to bed and we'll drink from our special Anniversary glasses! Yay!
Also, tomorrow is the start of my crazy cleaning week. I'm doing the basement tomorrow so hopefully Gabe cooperates so that I can get it all done. The hardest area to get ready will be the yard. Cash likes to get into our recycling and rip up the boxes and drag them all over the yard. So there's garbage all over it. That and I haven't planted my flower beds yet so I'll want to at least do that. Hopefully it only takes one day! Just in case though I might do that on Tuesday so that if I don't get it done that day I'll have lots of time to finish.
Well Matt and I are watching some Friends right now and then it's bedtime before a busy week!

Mrs. Vander Leek ;)

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