Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Sleep

Gah, I wish could sleep! It's nearly 2a.m., I have a lot of work to get done tomorrow and I'm really not feeling tired. I think part of the reason that I'm not tired is that my brain is still going a mile a minute. Aside from thinking about the cafe, stuff I need to get done before we go on vacation, a sick grandparent and finances, I'm also thinking about a couple more things I volunteered to do. Auxano is having a camping trip September long and I kind of agreed to plan it. Everyone will be arranging for their own food and stuff, so its not like it will be extremely complicated, but I am still going to try and figure out a few fun things for the weekend. I also agreed to help lead worship at Auxano in the fall. I love music, I love playing and singing, and I love helping, so its not like it's a burden on me. The only issue with all these things is the time commitment. September long weekend is also the first weekend that the church cafe kicks back up with the lattes and smoothies. I may very well be expected to be there, as well as at the camping trip organizing things. That Sunday is also the first week that our church is doing a third service in the evening. Now, in order to free up as many volunteers for morning shifts, I'm agreeing to take on nearly every evening service shift running the cafe as possible. So I may need to drive back into town from camping on Sunday morning to oversee some things, drive back out to help with the camping stuff and then drive back in to run the espresso machine. Oh ya, and drive back out again. Fun, eh? So needless to say, I have some scheduling things to work out.
Today was a decent day. Over the past couple days I've already read the first 2 books in the Harry Potter series, and kept my house clean. I also went for a very long walk today. Probably about an hour and a half. Gabe loved it. I boiled myself. And made my farmers tan even worse. Ah well.
Anyway, perhaps I should try just laying in bed and hoping to fall asleep soon. This ipad is keeping me awake me thinks.

Mrs. Vander Leek ;)

1 comment:

  1. Rob and I saw you taking your walk with Gabe. I tried to get your attention, but I don't like yelling at people from my car. It seems creepy.

    And I think you took on too much for one long weekend. Don't die, please. I'd miss your blog. :P


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