Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Snow day!

It's snowing! Alot! Actually blizzarding! What the heck?!?!
I knew that it was supposed to snow today but I just thought we'd see a couple of flakes and then it would rain some. Nope. White-out conditions, snow mounded in my yard and my car is completely white. At least Matt doesn't have to go out on the highway today. And fortunately everything that I needed to get done I can do in the house. Save grocery shopping that is, but I can do that tonight with Matt.
For the morning I plan to watch Pride and Prejudice (I haven't seen it in a month!), I'm going to knit a few baby presents and I'm going to drink alot of coffee. Then this afternoon I need to clean the kitchen from having company over last night and maybe bake something. Those two-bite brownies I made yesterday? Yah, they're gone already.
Matt asked me the other day what I'd like for a Mother's Day present. At first I had no idea, this being a relatively new idea to me to get a present on that day. I told him to just buy me some flowers or something and he recommend I think on it since he wanted to get me something a bit more... well, more. Today I decided what I want! Personalized stationary! I'm signed up on the Etsy newsletter. Each day they send you a list of some featured items from their site. Today I saw a gorgeous stationary pattern and decided I need something like that. I think that sending letters by mail is a lost art and ever since I got married I've been trying to do it more and more. I now mail people thank you notes, invitations, anniversary and birthday cards and some notes just because. I've bought cards and note pads from different stores and the design is always different, but I think having my own personalized stationary would be neat. So I think I'll order some off of Etsy and have Matt consider that my present. If that's not good enough for him, then I'll charge him with getting me a movie copy of Jane Austen's Persuasion. I'd love to see a good one that makes Captain Wentworth out to be everything he ought to be and shows all the beautiful scenery of The Cobb. There are two versions that I know of - one that was made in 1995 and one that was a made-for TV movie done in 2007. The company that made the 2007 one also has made film adaptations of the rest of Austen's novels. I saw their version of Northanger Abbey and I was happy with that one so hopefully they'll have done as good of a job of this one. Casting is of huge importance to me in Austen adaptations and when people drop the ball on that it kinda wrecks the movie a bit for me. The other thing that bothers me is when they miss huge parts about characters. For example, in Sense and Sensibility the older sister Elinor is actually the comic relief many times in the book. As good as Emma Thompson's version was back in '95 she totally missed that part of the character - which is weird since Emma Thompson is definately a comedienne (if you don't believe me watch her in her role as Sybil Trelawney in the Harry Potter series). And while they did good casting for a couple roles in that film - particularly Willoughby, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Dashwood and Fanny - some of the key characters were a bit different that what I would have liked. (I am in no way bashing Alan Rickman, FYI. I'd never do that!)
Anyway, I really branched off there, eh? I should get knitting because Gabe just finally fell asleep but I don't know how long he'll stay that way!

Mrs. Vander Leek ;)


  1. What a cozy day! Knitting with a coffee, a little babe and a movie. Love it!

  2. I asked Rob for personalized stationary as a gift. It's true that people don't write letters anymore. I want to get an address book and start writing people letters. Everyone loves getting mail.


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