Tuesday, May 25, 2010


What a great weekend! Well, aside from the fact that I was sick for most of it - but really, other than that it was great. I got to hang out with my family, played some cards, watched some movies and got some yard work done. Yesterday we job shared with my mom so I helped her plant her garden and she helped me with my flower beds. She gave me some strawberry plants for Mother's Day so we put those in and then we dug out my back flower bed and put in my celosia and bells of ireland there and then we went to the front and checked on my perennials which all came back! Matt cleaned up all the trash that Cash keeps pulling all over the yard and mowed and trimmed back the branches on some of our trees. Gabe got his first hands on dirt experience yesterday. While my mom and I were planting her garden he was leaning over the little fence she has around it and picking up clumps of dirt. He wouldn't put the dirt in his mouth, but if he saw a stick or a berry that was going in for sure. He grabbed a worm - and squished it. That was gross. And then he went over to the flower beds and sat right in the middle of them - and got ants all over him. But he really loved it. He spent probably 40 minutes just squishing dirt clumps.
Today I'm going to finish off my flower beds. I'm digging out some more in the back to put in some coleus and this afternoon I'm going to pick up some flowers for my front beds. Then this week we are building my raised garden for my vegetables! I'm putting in beets, yellow beans, lettuce, squash and peas. The squash is for Gabe :) It's one of his favorite foods. Oh! And my bells of ireland that I planted last year may actually be coming up. Last year I didn't get around to planting until June (yah, like I was going to have time to plant a garden with a one month old baby) so alot of what I planted never really came up, including my bells of ireland. Well, yesterday my mom and I were trying to identify some unknown things sprouting up in one of my back beds and I'm pretty sure they're my bells! Anyway, besides all of my flower beds and my veggie garden, I'm also going to put in fruit trees this year. I've already got raspberry and strawberry bushes in my yard but I think I'd like to have some blueberry bushes as well as some apple or cherry trees. I may also looking into getting a nut tree... I'll have to see about that though because Matt's already not too thrilled that I want fruit trees. He hates picking fruit (I love it personally).
Besides gardening today I also have a whole whack of errands to run - I've got to go pick up some new light bulbs for our fish tank, if I'm on that end of town I might as well pick up more loose-leaf Cream Earl Grey tea, I've got to pick up a prescription (stupid rash on my finger...) and I've got to get groceries. I had been waiting for the dryer to finish because it's got my clothes for the day in there, but that just buzzed. I guess I'd better get started because besides all those errands, I really wanted to bake today!

Mrs. Vander Leek ;)

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