Haha I was sitting here wondering what to write about today when I started browsing on Etsy a bit. I figured I'd search "Jane Austen" and see what came up. I love it! I found some cards that said "Congratulations - you found your Mr. Darcy", some mugs that have Mr. Darcy's original marriage proposal written on it and a bumper sticker that says "I'd rather be at Pemberley!" haha how awesome!! Ooh! Now I found a t-shirt with Mr. Darcy's proposal! Oh dear, poor Matt... he's going to be surrounded by Jane Austen.
When we had our friend over for dinner the other night he noticed that I had Pride and Prejudice sitting out. Matt's sister and I started talking about how much I like Jane Austen and I said, "I even decorate like her era!" My living room is done up with French Provincial couches, wingback chairs and ornate frames. Although, when I was watching Pride and Prejudice yesterday I noticed for the first time some beautiful panelling on the walls at "Netherfield" (which is, in actuality, Basildon Park - all of their homes in the movie were actual historical homes in the UK which are open to visitors) Anyway, this panelling is very interesting and I have no idea what it's called. It looks like wedgewood pottery but as a mural. It's almost an embossed effect with the wall being one color and the raised surface being white. It's a style of plasterwork but I'm sure it's got its own name. Ah well, I want it in any event. Maybe not in this house but Matt is fully aware that when we finally move into the house we plan to grow old in that I require a "Pride and Prejudice" room, complete with crown mouldings, Georgian era furniture and now this Wedgewood plasterwork. I've actually attached a picture of this plasterwork. If you look at the wall right above the lamp in this picture that's all plasterwork - actually the same stuff from the movie.
Well, now on to something other than Jane Austen I suppose.
I took Gabe in to get his one year immunizations today. He's never had a bad reaction to his immunizations so it's normally just a really easy trip. Well today I had to wait extra long while the nurse insisted on remeasuring his height because he apparently grew so little since his 6 month appointment. The thing is, Gabe was very tall for his age at 6 months and very underweight for how tall he was, so most of the growing he's been doing lately is out, not up. And it's good because he's still considered underweight (I don't know how - that kid eats non stop!) But the nurse wouldn't really listen to me and kept thinking that she had measured wrong even though I just went through all of this with his doctor last week - and no offense to nurses, I know and love a number of them personally and my nurses when I gave birth to Gabe were really the ones who did everything - but if a nurse whom I have never met before picks up my baby's file, doesn't even read it and tries to tell me what going on with my baby, and in the process contradicts my doctor who has been attending to Gabe since he was in my womb, I'm not going to pay alot of attention to you. I actually had a nurse when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with Gabe ask me what position the baby was in and when I told her she said "No, that's wrong. He wouldn't be like that." You asked lady! I told you! It was really stupid too, because she was asking where his feet were and I could feel his feet through my stomach - there was no mistaking them and I had just come from my doctor's before I had gone up to the hospital where this nurse was and she confirmed it for me as well - but no, this nurse decided my doctor was an idiot and that I was making up stories about how my baby kicked at the top-left of my stomach. And she decided she needed to remeasure my fundal height even though my doctor had just done it because she said "Doctor's usually get it wrong" and then she came up with a totally different place to measure from than any other nurse or doctor I had ever met and a number 3 or 4 cm off. Apparently the student nurse knew more than my doctor (with 30 some years of experience) knew. Matt actually had to calm me down after talking to that nurse. Man I was mad at her.... Anyway.
Gabe's doing fine after his shots. He had to get some painful ones today too, but he stopped crying right away and started playing by the time we got out to the waiting room. He's actually napping right now, which is why I felt the need to write this now.
Yesterday I finished reading The Bravehearted Gospel by Eric Ludy. It really is a good book. It has a very strong message but it's a good message. It's kinda one of those things that just needs to be said. Matt's finishing it tonight hopefully and then it's going to France with our group of friends who are going and it will probably be passed around between them all while they are there. My next reading mission will be Calvin's Institutes of Christian Religion. I'm actually planning on starting the first Volume today. This is, by the way, more of a text book than not. Wish me luck.
I also did get around to knitting yesterday. Not a tonne however because my hands starting hurting very fast. I'm knitting a baby toque with a really thin yarn and I'm knitting in the round with four double ended needles. It's not much different than normal knitting with two needles, but it I do tend to knit it tighter which is what hurts my hands so much. Also, that thin yarn is hard to get a good grip on. But the hat will be cute. It's going to be green and white and depending on what gender of baby is bron to my friends next I may find a dusty rose felt flower to attach to it or I'll just leave it as is.
I should go and start reading my book before Gabe wakes up from his nap and wants lunch. The little piggy :)
Mrs. Vander Leek ;)
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