You know what I hate? Actually, I don't think hate is the appropriate word. Abhor. That's better. I abhor typos. Spelling errors on websites? What a turn-off. Actually, in one of my old jobs I was supposed to be looking for suppliers and if their website had typos I would automatically nix them from our list. Granted, no one is perfect - even in my last blog post I noticed a spelling error in the first paragraph. However, you will notice that I fixed it. Or maybe you won't notice, but regardless, it is not there anymore. But in a professional website? A website that has a higher purpose than simply being an outlet for a housewife? Really now.
Anyway, on to the show.
Yesterday Matt and I went out and ran some errands when he got home from work. I needed to hit up Michaels and he needed to meet some clients. We had to be somewhere by 7:00 and drop Gabe off before that so when it was 5:30 and we were still out and about and we realized that I hadn't pulled any meat, we decided that it was a "Hot and Ready" night. Oh, Little Caesar's... what would we do without you? Perhaps eat less grease, more salads and come to exert ourselves a bit more, but I digress. Well, we did eat the pizza (Gabe had peas) and then we went to our "thing". The thing is called Auxano - an evening of teaching and worship. It's a relatively small group but it's sweet. I crave biblical teachings and the wider variety of sources that I draw those teachings from, the better chance I have of thinking more objectively and looking deeper into the message. Well, we went for the hang out time afterwards as well and very quickly did the boys cluster in an amongst themselves. So us girls went and got our own table (we're too cool for them anyway). Now normally I have issues with girls. I was a tomboy until grade 6. Like, hardcore. I still get along better with boys (although, some guys are so worried about offending me because I am a girl that they don't know how to respond to me. Maybe if I stopped teasing one of our friends because he called me fat - twice, in one night - then they would be more comfortable...) However, last night I got to hang out with a whole group of girls that I could actually talk comfortably to and who didn't send off those girly-snotty vibes. It was refreshing.
Today Matt had the day off so I conscripted him to do some work with me. We walked around downtown while I dropped off posters and talked to people about donations for our Haiti fundraiser. I went into one store (I'm not going to name them) and asked if I could hang a poster on their already poster-ridden window and the lady said, "I don't know... most of our posters are for cultural events..." So, I go in, say that I'm with a group putting on a fundraiser for Haiti, it's a Red Cross sanctioned event, we're doing charitable work, and you don't know if my poster is appropriate to hang next to the posters of all the bands playing at pubs around town? Really? One lady told me I had to go find my own tape to hang the poster. Ah well, you can't win 'em all I suppose.
After hanging posters we went to Scott's Parable, our local Christian book and music store, and we ended up buying a few books. Matt's been looking for a biography on John Calvin for quite some time so he got that, then we got another one that was plugged at the event last night called The Bravehearted Gospel by Eric Ludy and I got the Love Dare Book. If you've seen the movie Fireproof you know what I'm talking about. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've heard so much about it from everyone. The Love Dare is basically a 40 day challenge to love your spouse better. Each day there is a different dare, challenging you to step up and really show affection, or really connect. So Matt and I are accepting the challenge starting tomorrow :) Our philosophy on marriage is not so much the, "If it's not broke, don't fix it," but more of the, "It won't ever break if you keep up the maintenance."
We had ichiban for dinner tonight because we took so long to get our errands done that we kinda skipped right over lunch and were both feeling a bit faint with hunger. So we whipped up whatever was fastest to make. We're having coffee with Matt's grandparents tonight and after that we'll probably have something that more resembles a meal!
Well, I'm going to go make Gabe's dinner before he wakes up from a nap. That's basically the only time you can count on him to be fussy - when you take to long getting the peas into his mouth!
Mrs. Vander Leek ;)
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