Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Oh the things you find you can do while holding a baby. You never realize you full potential as a human being until you have one of these little gaffers (that's right, a gaffer). For the past hour my baby has been asleep on my lap while I have been trying to make up websites for my new businesses! What's the rush you may ask? Why couldn't I wait until the baby was awake? Well, for the past month I've been fishing for pro bono contracts for my Event Planning business. I caught one yesterday. A kinda big one too. I'm going to be helping plan a Hope for Haiti soiree in April. Apparently they had another event planner who fell through due to a certain lack of competence :) Well anyway, now that I'm finally getting somewhere I need to get my website up and running and print off business cards. Fortunately I have a very kind and extremely talented (and loyal, and compassionate, and good looking) sister whom I hope I can convince to design my logo and business cards for me. I will be listed as one of the event sponsors and my logo will go up all over town on the poster. I just need a logo now :)
OOOH! We got more fish! When Gabe was about 3 months old we took him to the zoo for the first time. He slept through most of it but woke up just in time to see the fish. He adored them. Ever since he's had a thing for them and my mother-in-law has a fishtank that he likes to sit in front of whenever we're over there. He even says fish! Well, kinda. He only has 2 teeth so the "f" is hard to get out so mostly he just says "shhh" but we know what he means. Anyway, he wouldn't actually say fish unless there were some in the room. So Matt and I set up Matt's old tank and got some goldfish for him. Well, nearly all the goldfish died and I really wanted to get some guppies so we went out today and picked some up! I'm so excited! Now they can have babies and then we'll have a lot of fish!!! But really, the fishtank was for Gabe, not me. I swear.
Oh, and for anyone who was concerned, yesterday turned out okay. Matt got home really late but we had garlic mashed potatoes with out red wine and cloves pork steaks. They were actually really nice. We ended up watching NCIS until 2 a.m. though. Good show, btw. We're definately fans.
Tonight's dinner may be a bit thrown together since I don't have any meat pulled. It will probably end up being chicken. It's always chicken when I feel least creative. Or pasta I suppose. But we just had that a couple nights ago.
Oooh! I got a new sugar bowl today too! It's really cute. It kinda looks like a mushroom top actually. I got it from Homesense which means I ended up buying more than just that! You know what I've been looking for for quite some time? Metal plate covers for keeping food warm. And not the hospital grade ones with the whole in the top. The fancy restaurant ones that they always have in the movies. But I can't seem to find them anywhere! My best bet might actually be in Canmore. They have a gourmet kitchen gadget store on the main street there where I was able to find a baguette loaf pan. The problem with that store is that no one ever wants to go in with me and I could easily spend an hour in it but I always feel rushed because I don't want to keep everyone waiting.
Tonight I feel like making dessert of some sort. But not cake or cookies or anything. Something with fruit. Perhaps Bananas Foster? Or maybe Poached Pears? Or how about Baked Apples? The trouble with all of those is that Matt doesn't like warm fruit unless it's in a pie. Ah well, I'll figure something out.
K, well my arm is killing me know from typing while the baby is laying across me. I'm done.

Mrs. Vander Leek ;)

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