Well, I spent an hour fighting with my sewing machine tonight with the end result of one finished hat. It's a small hat, too. About 3/4 of that time was spent by me fiddling with the bobbin trying to get it into the machine. I hate when you forget how to use a sewing machine... Oh, and it was my first time sewing with fleece which is a bit interesting. Anyway, I did manage to work out a half decent pattern for a hat. Just two square pieces, with cuts in the middle of the tops which I sewed into themselves. I did make a brim too. So, now that I have the bobbin successfully in the machine, next time I go to sew something it will take a lot less time.
I never mentioned before, but I decorated my tree this weekend. It's candy cane themed - or rather, it would be if I thought it would be safe to hang candy canes on the tree. As it stands, my dog would probably eat them all. So, while I would still like to hang some candy canes to fill spots on the tree, we're calling it done :) Matt got the lights up on the house and wired them all to a light switch in our front entry way. So last year every night we had to bundle up and go outside to unplug the lights. This year with a flick of a switch all of the lights turn off, including the two entry-way trees that we got.
Anyway, my husband and baby are home so I can finally get ready for bed - which I've felt ready for for a while now.
Mrs. Vander Leek ;)
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