Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rock in the Grinder

My goodness I've been busy lately. Between the cafe, meetings for Auxano and Gabe getting his molars in... yikes. Monday we had an Auxano meeting in which I volunteered for more things (I know, I know.) Tuesday I went to the church again to make lattes for the staff. I think this time I made it clear to all of them that it's going to be a regular thing and I must say it was quite well received :) I got everyone their drinks before their teaching time started and then went in to join them until Gabe saw me across the room, crawled through a forest of legs and eventually found me. He sat quietly for 5 minutes after that and then I had to take him out of the room! I decided to grind some decaf and get my cleaning done while they were all in their meeting but after the first pulse on the grinder it caught a rock in it! I turned off the grinder right away so that it didn't wreck anything and then spent the next 35 minutes dissecting the grinder, shaking out all the beans, and using stir sticks to unstick all the packed up oil from the last 6 years of grinding. Yep, stir sticks. Oh, and Gabe was throwing water all over the floor and shaking sugar packs and screamed everytime he dropped one. It was a party. So, everyone got out of their meeting and I just got the little tiny rock out. Stupid rock.
Today was quite productive. I had the kitchen cleaned before 10, played with Gabe all morning, got ready while he had a nap and then we went shopping. I hit HomeSense in search of a tiny bristle brush and a large metal steamjug for the cafe... no luck. Nor did I have any luck at London Drugs. After I picked up groceries we came home and I cleaned the living room, did laundry, made tacos... it was good. Tonight Matt and I picked up Big Bang Theory season 1 and 2 at Walmart which we started this evening and I think Sheldon is amazing. I adore him. He's such a little kid. In the pilot Sheldon and Leonard are talking about a woman having a baby she expects to be smart but it turns out to be just a normal baby and Leonard said, "Well, she'll still love him." and Sheldon says, "I wouldn't!" Awesome.
Anyway, I have some menu planning to do and I'm starting my biscotti tomorrow. I should make my dough tonight!

Mrs. Vander Leek ;)

1 comment:

  1. The Big Bang Theory is one of our favorites. We just finished watching season 3 on DVD. Season four starts tonight. Unfortunately, we don't have TV. But we do have internet!


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