Thursday, August 19, 2010


My goodness! We are going camping in the morning and I'm not even finished packing! I used to pack a week in advance for any big trips! What happened to me??
Well, I suppose I did have other things going on this week anyway... And today we even had company over for dinner which didn't go quite like I had planned either. Yesterday when I was out getting groceries I picked up a warehouse pack of ribs and that was basically as far as my planning took me. This afternoon I pulled out an old church cook book and looked up a recipe for oven roasted ribs in there and planned to use that. So I got the ribs cut and boiling and didn't think about them again for another hour or so when I went to make the sauce for them and I realized I didn't have some of the ingredients! I was far too stressed about camping to care so I pulled a bottle of Diane's BBQ sauce out of the fridge and poured it over the ribs, then I slow roasted them for two hours. They were amazing!
Anyway, after our company left I finished digging out all our camping cookware and took a break. I figure I can finish in the morning since we don't have to leave until 10 and frankly, my brain just isn't working right now! I'm sure I'd forget half the things if I tried to finish packing tonight. As it stands I have three lists sitting around the house of things I should pack and in the morning I'll have to refer to all three lists because each of them have things that I forgot to put on the others. It's amazing the scope of things you need to pack for camping... Hand sanitizer, a broom and dustpan for the tent, flashlights and dish soap and tarps...
Well perhaps it would be best if I just went to sleep. The more coherent I am in the morning, the better my odds of remembering to pack everything important!

Mrs. Vander Leek ;)

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