Well, my office is now a guest room. And it only took 5 days. The only things left in there that ought not to be are a couple of massive mirrors and our desk. Our bookcase is converted into a bedside table with family photos, my pretty wrought iron lamp and a basket full of pretty soaps and new towels. Yesterday I worked my little butt off cleaning Gabe's room and the kitchen before I took Gabe on a walk over to the grocery store. We got back and I blew bubbles for him and Cash (they both loved it!) before I went on to clean our bedroom and the bathroom. Then I quickly made dinner: pitas! The pita I'd had the night before was so great that I was craving more so I grabbed pitas when I was at the store, I made some bruschetta up and I barbqued some chicken. I ended up layering feta, cucumbers, chicken, orange pepper and bruschetta and a tiny bit of Roasted Red Pepper salad dressing. They were awesome. After dinner we quickly ran out to pick up some things and then came back to keep cleaning. I folded laundry while Matt sorted through all his binders from high school, tech school and college that he had been storing in the office. Once those were taken care of Matt watched Gabe and I set up the futon, put sheets on it, made the room look pretty and vaccumed the whole upstairs.
Today I had a list of a whole bunch of things I was supposed to do to get ready for company and I'm really thinking I'm not going to do them. After giving Gabe a bath, buying more groceries and not getting to eat breakfast until 12:30, I'm pretty spent. The house looks decent - at least it has recovered from us cleaning out the office - so I'm going to leave it.
When I went for groceries today my shopping list was: cheeses, breakfast foods, flowers and snacks. I got some back bacon, some flowers for the guest room, cereal, blue corn chips to go with the black bean salsa I'll make this afternoon and, of course, lots of cheeses. I got an aged smoked gouda, a cranberry cinnamon goats cheese, a Red Hot Chili Pepper Jack cheese and a England Sticky Toffee cheese. That last one was fun to find. I had the other three but was wanting one more to round out the selection and then I saw that and it was perfect! I am excessively partial to hard cheeses than soft, so hopefully one soft is enough for everyone else, but I think they'll enjoy everything. I don't know when we'll have our cheeses since it's going to be a crazy weekend for us, but maybe tomorrow night.
Well, I'm going to at least go do dishes and then I'll be completely happy with leaving the house as-is. And I'm going to go drink alot more water. I definately have not been doing enough of that today!
Mrs. Vander Leek ;)
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