What a nice first day home from vacation! We slept in too long to go out for breakfast before church, but we had time for a Timmy's run and got there before service started (for the first time in a long time). We hung out with Matt's family after church and then went out for dinner this evening! It's been a nice, relaxing day. Oh, and we have groceries now too!
I'm finally ready to start thinking about the coming week. Tomorrow is Auxano and since we haven't been for the past two weeks it's going to be great getting back there. We may even pack a picnic dinner and bring it down there. I'm hoping to get all of my laundry done tomorrow from the trip. Tuesday will be a baking day I hope. I haven't baked in a week and a half! Oh, and Tuesday evening hopefully we'll hit a pond for some fishing. Wednesday may involve a day trip to Calgary! I need to go there for a couple of reasons. For one, my darling cousin is up from Montana for a couple of weeks so I really want to spend some time with her. For two, I need to pick up my sister's ice cream maker. In what may prove to be a moment of weakness, my sister pledged her ice cream maker to me. I forgot to pick it up when I was at her house this weekend and I was really hoping to make a gelato for my cousin's shower on Saturday (I'm thinking either peach/mango, earl grey or pistachio). Now, I've never made anything with an ice cream maker and to honest, my sister has never used the maker so I don't know if it even works. I'm slightly nervous and I definately need to test drive the recipe before I serve it to a dozen people.
Now that I have started on the subject of menu planning I must confess it's hard to stop :) Weather report pending, I'm planning on a very summery menu. If the gelato doesn't work out for some reason I shall be making lime-coconut ice cream sandwiches. Put a bit of vanilla ice cream in between two vanilla cookies and then roll the edges in coconut with lime rinds. Yum! As I mentioned before I'm planning on serving fruit pyramids too. I need a savoury something so I'm thinking it may be in the form of either pita chips and lettuce rolls or crostini something or others. It will be an alcohol free event so I need to figure out a signature mocktail. Maybe we should just set a theme for the party? I think that may be a good idea. I'll chat with the planner about that. Oh, and of course I need to have baking. Petit fours finally perhaps? Or maybe eclairs! Oooh! Oh, by the way, I had an eclair from a bakery in Canmore and I must say I was disappointed. I make much better eclairs. And I wouldn't charge $5 for them either. Okay, so we'll work on a theme for the party and then I'll finalize the menu.
This week I'm also going to make some baby blankets. I found an adorable fabric from a quilt shop in Canmore that was perfect for a little baby boy blanket. We also owe our friends a baby present so I got enough to make one for them too! And, once I block my scarf that I knit last week and finally see how good it is I may decide to give that to them too.
I also plan on having people over to our place to eat all of the baking I will make on Tuesday! So it's looking like it's going to be a pretty fun week!
Now to go to bed so that the week can get started!
Mrs. Vander Leek ;)
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