I so could not sleep... I did for a little bit but at about 4:30 Gabe woke up and though I got him back to sleep relatively quickly, I laid there for an hour before I finally decided to get up. The downside to this story is that I am very, very tired. The upside is that I'm awake to see the sunrise and it's one of those sunrises that makes it look like it's 5:30 a.m. on a summer morning - my favorite time of day :)
Well, Matt and I talked over a couple plans about what to do today. Some were productive, some not so much. We finally decided on a semi-productive day. In light of that fact that two weeks from today our house will be packed with people for Gabe's baby dedication, Matt is going to finish our benchseat today while I clean, paint and bake. Then we might go and get massages! I am really feeling the need for one and Matt has a monster knot on his shoulder. Then I think we'll pick up some more Cream Earl Grey tea since we just ran out and we'll probably have a fire in our back yard this evening and maybe cook dinner over it. It's amazing how many things you can cook over a fire. Way too often camping food is limited to hot dogs and bannock (not that there is anything wrong with bannock, I'm just saying) So the last time we went camping with some friends, I was in charge of one of the meals so I brought some perogies! Boil them in a little water over the fire, maybe fry them up in a cast iron skillet after... it was great! I've made cheese buns over a fire too. You just have to wrap the bun in foil and put it down in the coals to get the cheese to melt. Then there are the limitless opportunities that come along with Pie Irons. I had never seen one of these until a couple years back when I was camping with Matt's family. They showed me how to melt the butter in it, lay bread down on one side, add filling, top with the other piece of bread and then stick it in the coals and cook to perfection. Now, as the name suggests, making "Pies" with these is a very popular task. All you need is some butter, bread and canned cherry pie filling and you've got a great little dessert. But we also did pizzas in them, and you can do eggs and breakfast sandwiches and all sorts of hot sandwiches. The next time we go camping I'm really hoping to branch out with these. And actually, maybe we'll whip them out for dinner tonight!
On the guppy front, we now have 4 new babies! It's definately not the first time our guppies have had babies since that original batch, but it's the first time we saw the babies before they all got eaten. Matt scooped three of them last night and I found the last one just now (between paragraphs). So hopefully the bigger babies don't try to eat the smaller babies. Some of our bigger ones are getting close to being big enough to have color. I'm actually really interested to see their coloring because maybe then we can tell which fish had them.
I love my puppy :) I think everyone should have a puppy. He got up at 5:30 with me and came upstairs and has been laying at my feet ever since. I think he was so excited that I was up he forgot for a while that he was still sleepy - he remembers now though!
Yesterday I made a small investment for my event planning business. A girl was selling all of her fake flowers and decorations - including a fake cake - from her wedding and I bought it all! It was only $30 and it came with a "wishing well" card box, candles, bowls, some books and as I said before, alot of fake flowers. Probably over $100 worth of fake flowers actually. It's all in fall colors, but alot of it is really nice stuff and now if I ever have a client who just wants anything that's cheap, I can lend it to them! And actually, I'd like to keep a little stock of a few different colors too so over the next few months I'll keep my eye on kijiji to see if anyone else is selling off everything from their wedding. I love my husband so much for letting me do this too. And actually, he was the one who finally convinced me to buy it all. I had been on the fence about it and he finally said, "Seriously, why would you not buy it? It'd be great to have!"
I love Kijiji. Some of the things you can find on there are outstanding. Last week I was looking on the Calgary Kijiji site and I found three 3-4 foot ceramic pillars for $30. $30!! That's crazy! Especially since they were gorgeous and probably cost $50 apiece originally.
Oh, I never ended up buying a hot red dress for my event - and it's probably best since the MC and one of the performers were wearing something similar to what I wanted to buy. I did however forget that I have a tattoo :) And while my tattoo is tasteful I do need to bear in mind that some events might require me to have it covered. I seriously forgot about it until we were at the event, lined up at the buffet and one of the planning committee members said she was surprised to see I have a tat. Whoops!
Well, I've been lazy for long enough. I should go make Matt some muffins for breakfast!
Mrs. Vander Leek ;)
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