Well, I love to cook. The first two posts may have made that clear. But in case they didn't, I just want to assure of the fact that I do indeed love to cook. And bake. I'm not picky. Well, I am, but not about this.
I am, however, capable of enjoying more than just food - which is good otherwise my poor family would be very fat. Fortunately for them, I also tinker in other domestic arts. I love to garden. In fact, right now I'm looking up seed catalogues online to see what I`m going to plant this year.
Just over a year ago my husband and I bought our first house. It`s in an older neighbourhood and the man who had originally owned it was a landscaper so the backyard is filled with gorgeous trees and beautifully laid out. There was one other owner between us and, try as he may, the poor bachelor was no match for the flower beds. Our first spring in this house rolled around and I had our son Gabriel at the end of April. Because of the timing of this I didn`t get around to gardening until June. Most of my flowers did come up but alot of them didn`t even bother trying. I didn`t get around to putting in a vegetable garden, but wanted to very badly.
So, this year I am looking ahead and planning my attack. Over the next couple of weeks I will start some of my seeds, the first fine day we get my hubby and I will build our raised vegetable garden, and by June this year my flower beds will be gorgeous! Yay!
Secondly, I enjoy sewing and knitting. I`m not fantastic at either, but I have sewn a number of Christmas presents and knit some lovely baby hats!
Probably my second passion to cooking is decorating. Along with updating the gardens, my husband and I have been renovating our house, room by room, since the very day we got possession. First we painted the bedrooms, then gutted a bathroom, this year we`ll be replacing floors and updating our kitchen! Through all of this I`ve had the chance to pick colors and fabrics, envisioning what our home will look like at the end. I have a couple boxes of decor items that I trade out every season and update the feel of our home. I love adding to my collection, expansive as it may be.
I have other hobbies but those will have to be saved for later - my baby, and most time consuming hobby, is needing attention!
Mrs. Vander Leek ;)
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